Meet new member Nicoletta Lanese

Nicoletta Lanese, a New York-based freelance science journalist, shares #WhySciWri in this short Q&A.

A headshot of Nicoletta Lanese

Nicoletta Lanese

Q: Tell us a little about yourself.

A: I’m an early-career science journalist and mostly cover the life sciences. I jump at any chance to write about medicine or neuroscience, whether it’s for publications such as the San Jose Mercury News or for research institutions, such as University of California, San Francisco.

Q: How did you get interested in science writing?

A: Though I gravitated toward science and performing arts in school, I’ve sustained a lifelong love of writing. When I realized that science communication was a bonafide career, I decided to leverage all my passions toward making science accessible to the general public. I first tried my hand at science communication as an NASW Travel Fellow, and I’ve kept at it ever since.

Q: What do you love most about your career?

A: My favorite perk of science writing is that I get to spend my days chatting with accomplished researchers and exploring a diverse range of scientific disciplines. I also relish the challenge of repackaging my newfound knowledge so it resonates with a particular audience.

Q: What's your favorite #SciComm social media account?

A: It’s hard to go wrong with the YouTube channel SciShow, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Twitter account (@MontereyAq), or @the_brain_scientist on Instagram.

Q: If you could write about any scientific event/breakthrough/topic (past, present or future) what would it be and why?

I have a particular fascination with how environmental risk factors contribute to the development of neurodegenerative diseases, namely Alzheimer’s. My curiosity partly stems from a general interest in neurology and epigenetics. In addition, my family’s own history of Alzheimer’s disease seems curiously tied to specific locations.

Q: Why did you join NASW and what kinds of professional connections/opportunities are you seeking?

A: I recently became a full member of NASW (I was a student member previously) to access helpful resources for freelancers, follow job listings, and foster new connections within the SciComm community.

Follow Nicoletta on Twitter @NicolettaML

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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