Member web site redesign now complete

We are pleased to announce that the last phase of the NASW web site redesign is complete. This phase moved our member database to a new computer system and revamped the behind-the-scenes software that allows members to log in to the NASW member web pages. Read on for details about the site's new features.

Among other things, the new system permits members to update their membership directory information (e.g. address, telephone, affiliations, areas of expertise) via the web. It also allows members who have forgotten their usernames and passwords to recover them immediately — in most cases — without waiting for assistance from the NASW staff.

Here are some of the features of the new system and details on using them:

1. RECOVERING YOUR PASSWORD. Members who need to retrieve their NASW member web site usernames and passwords can now retrieve them automatically by following the <a href="">"get a username or password reminder" link.</a>

To get a username or password reminder, enter your first name, last name and email address. If all three match your record in the NASW member database, you will soon get an email (subject line: "NASW Account Information") with a temporary link to a page that will give you your current username and password. The link expires after one viewing, so be sure to make a record of your credentials before leaving that page.

Note: For security reasons, the password reminder page will not tell you whether the information you submit actually matches an entry in the NASW database. Therefore, if you do not receive your reminder email message within an hour or so, you probably should conclude that the system could not find a match. If that happens, just send your request directly to <a href=""></a> Include your current email address &mdash; the most frequent reason for an unsuccessful password retrieval is an incorrect email address in our database.

2. CHANGING YOUR PASSWORD. If you want to change your password, just <a href="">log in with your current username and password,</a> then follow the <a href="">"change password" link.</a> Please be aware that we have a new security-related rule: Your password must now be between 7 and 24 characters in length.

Also, keep in mind that although your password is encrypted when stored in the system, it is still visible to NASW site administrators and will be displayed to you in plain text when you use the <a href="">"get a username or password reminder"</a> link. For that reason, you may want to use a password different from whatever passwords you use for sensitive purposes like online banking.

3. UPDATE YOUR DIRECTORY ENTRY. You can now update your NASW member directory information via the web site &mdash; including your name, business and home addresses, title, affiliations, email addresses, web site URLs, areas of expertise, specialties, and other details. Just <a href="">log in,</a> then follow the <a href="">"update your data"</a> link on the main members page.

4. EMAIL ALIASES. As before, you can manage your email alias over the web. To create or delete an alias, or change your forwarding addresses, <a href="">log in,</a> then follow the <a href="">"manage email aliases"</a> link on the next page. Please note that to prevent abuse we will soon be placing a 10-megabyte limit on the size of messages routed through the NASW server.

5. MEMBER DIRECTORY. The online version of NASW's member directory has been revamped and now includes the most current information from NASW's central membership database. To check your entry for accuracy, <a href="">log in,</a> then follow the <a href="">"membership directory"</a> link on the next page. If you need to update any information, use the procedure outlined in paragraph 4 (above).

6. MEMBER WEB SITE LISTINGS. NASW's <a href="">list of member web sites</a> has been updated and linked to the new membership database. To make sure your web site is listed correctly, use the procedure outlined in paragraph 3 (above) to check the "primary web site URL" and "primary web site category" links. To prevent your web site from being listed, leave the "primary web site URL" box empty. If you currently have your web site listed in more than one category, please note that you now are limited to a maximum of one. Your site will also be listed on an "all sites" page.

As always, if you have any questions about any of these features, please contact NASW Cybrarian Russell Clemings at <a href=""></a>

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