NASW career development grants

This summer, the National Association of Science Writers will award grants of up to $2,500 each to support education, training or other activities that help established science writers continue or advance their careers in today's rapidly changing media environment. The size and number of the grants will depend on specific proposals received; NASW will award up to $25,000 of our Authors Coalition funds for this purpose.

To apply, send a statement of not more than 1000 words giving a detailed description of the activities you propose, how and why they will help you meet the particular professional challenges you now face, what they will cost, how large a grant you are requesting from NASW ($2,500 maximum), and how you will spend the grant money. Include a resume (of not more than 2 pages) outlining your professional career and accomplishments.

Send these as embedded email or attached PDFs with the subject line "NASW Career Grant Submission" to no later than Wednesday, July 15. Successful applicants will be notified by August 10. 75% of funds will be awarded initially, with the remainder awarded upon submission of appropriate receipts and a short closing letter.

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