NASW election results

Thank you to all who voted in the recent NASW elections. We are pleased to announce the results. Congratulations to the newly elected board members and thank you for volunteering to serve NASW and your colleagues.

2014-2016 NASW Board


  • President: Robin Marantz Henig (freelance)
  • Vice President: Laura Helmuth (Slate)
  • Treasurer: Jill Adams (freelance)
  • Secretary: Deborah Franklin (NPR)

Board members-at-large

  • Robert Frederick (freelance)
  • Peggy Girshman (Kaiser Health News)
  • Jeff Grabmeier (The Ohio State University)
  • Michael Lemonick (Climate Central and freelance)
  • A’ndrea Elyse Messer (Penn State)
  • Seth Mnookin (MIT)
  • Dave Mosher (Popular Science)
  • Hillary Rosner (freelance)
  • Jill Sakai (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)
  • Brian Switek (freelance)
  • Emily Willingham (BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. and freelance)

These newly elected/re-elected board members will take office on October 17 prior to the ScienceWriters2014 meeting. The current board continues to serve until the official hand-off.

We are very grateful to all the candidates and to the nominating committee who crafted an excellent slate.

2014 Nominating Committee

  • Nancy Shute, chair
  • Terry Devitt
  • Robert Finn
  • Jennifer Ouellette
  • Kathleen Raven
  • Ron Winslow

Please join us this fall in Columbus, Ohio during ScienceWriters2014 as we welcome our new board members and pay tribute to our retiring board members.

Retiring board members

  • Ron Winslow, president, first elected to the board in 2008
  • Beryl Lieff Benderly, treasurer, first elected to the board in 1998
  • Bob Finn, Multiple Sclerosis Discovery Forum, first elected to the board in 2004
  • Rosie Mestel, Nature, first elected to the board in 2010
  • Tabitha M. Powledge, freelance, first elected to the board in 2000
  • Mitch Waldrop, Nature, first elected to the board in 2008

EurekAlert! member survey

NAS Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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