#SciWri24 conference attendance grants available from NASW and CASW

Mark your calendars: Registration for our ScienceWriters2024 national conference opens on Wednesday, August 21! Review the program, apply for a grant, and check out the Plan Ahead section of the conference website for more information.

The National Association of Science Writers (NASW) and the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW) are proud to independently host ScienceWriters2024 — the annual conference serving science writing professions and professionals in the United States and beyond — in Raleigh, N.C. this Nov. 8 through Nov. 11, with special programming and local fundraising by the Science Communicators of North Carolina (SCONC) and underwriting from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund and the Kavli Foundation. In addition to this weekend of in-person events, NASW will also host a virtual-only component on Oct. 17-18, ScienceWriters2024 Early Access.

We are excited to share the ScienceWriters2024 conference program. Visit sciencewriters2024.org/schedule to see what’s in store for Raleigh and our online Early Access events. The panoply of networking events, professional development sessions, science briefings, and field trips represent the hard work and creativity of your colleagues, friends, and volunteers in North Carolina and across the country and globe.

NASW: Community Support Grant
Apply by Tuesday, Sept. 10
Application Link: https://nasw.submittable.com/submit/303036/sciwri2024-support-grant

Are you in need of financial support to participate in ScienceWriters2024 either in person or virtually? Apply for a grant of up to $1,200 to increase bandwidth, offset travel costs, purchase a headset or other equipment, and/or assist with caregiving costs (including, but not limited to, childcare and elder care). Awardees will also receive complimentary meeting registration. As part of the grant, awardees will be asked to submit a short write-up of a conference session, take event photos, or post to social media.

Apply here no later than Sept. 10. These grants will reimburse up to $1,200 in expenses for in-person attendees and up to $200 in other expenses for virtual attendees. Awardees will also receive complimentary meeting registration. You may apply before you have made a final decision about in-person vs. virtual attendance. International applicants are welcomed; those applying for travel assistance should already have permission to travel to the U.S. (e.g. an existing visa). You do not need to be a member to apply. Non-member awardees who are eligible for student or regular membership will receive a complimentary membership. Application deadline: Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024.

These NASW fellowships are supported by the Authors Coalition of America funds and members of the National Association of Science Writers via the Community Fund. To support a colleague’s virtual or in-person attendance, please consider contributing to the Community Fund.

NASW: Indigenous Journalists Community Support Grant
Apply by Tuesday, Sept. 17
Announcement Link: https://www.nasw.org/article/nasw-science-writers-2024-national-conference-indigenous-journalists-travel-grant
Application Link: https://nasw.submittable.com/submit/303644/sciwri24-community-support-grant-a-special-invitation-to-indigenous-journalists

New this year: NASW is offering two travel grants to support the attendance of Indigenous journalists and communicators at ScienceWriters2024. The new grant is open to all Indigenous journalists, providing up to $3,000 are available to help cover travel costs, accommodations, caregiving expenses, and more. All grant awardees will receive complimentary registration to both portions of SciWri24, as well as one year of complimentary NASW membership.

Applications are due Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024.

These NASW fellowships are supported by the Authors Coalition of America funds and members of the National Association of Science Writers via the Community Fund. To support a colleague’s virtual or in-person attendance, please consider contributing to the Community Fund.

CASW: New Horizons Travel Fellowship
Apply by Tuesday, Sept. 10
Application Link: https://casw.submittable.com/submit/26821/new-horizons-travel-fellowships

Eligibility: The fellowships are intended primarily for journalists from smaller metropolitan print and broadcast news outlets, as well as freelance and online journalists with a demonstrated interest in science writing.

Description: The fellowships, provided by the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing, offer up to $1,200 to cover the costs of in-person attendance by U.S.-based journalists at ScienceWriters2024 in Raleigh. CASW traveling fellows are expected to provide a written report or social-media curation on the New Horizons program or to mentor a ComSciCon-SciWri workshop participant.

To apply: Apply here. Submit 1) a brief (no more than 500-word) expression of interest; 2) a resume; 3) no more than three news clips, posts or transcripts on any topic; and 4) a nominating letter from a senior editor, news director or producer. Application deadline: Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024.

CASW: “Hot Planet” Workshop Grants
Apply by Friday, Aug. 16
Application Link: https://casw.submittable.com/submit/300405/living-and-working-on-a-hot-planet-application-to-attend-workshop

Thanks to a grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, CASW is providing a pool of additional travel funding for journalists who cover topics at the intersection of climate and health and wish to attend a full-day preconference workshop on Friday, Nov. 8. Please note the early application deadline for these grants: Friday, Aug. 16.

Eligibility and description: See workshop announcement and application guidelines. (Note: The second half of this workshop will be open to all ScienceWriters2024 attendees.)

To apply: Apply here. Submit 1) a resume; 2) 3-5 work samples; 3) a letter of interest; 4) a supporting letter from your editor if you are a staff journalist; and 5) an estimate of travel expenses that will need to be reimbursed. Applicants for these grants will be notified of the committee’s decision ahead of other deadlines, so that they can apply for other support if not funded. Application deadline: Friday, Aug. 16, 2024.

Held each year, the ScienceWriters conferences provide a gathering place for professionals and students working across the science news landscape. From journalists to institutional writers, from editors to producers, from seasoned science communicators to those exploring science and technology beats, from mentors to students, the events provide opportunities for skills development, new tools practice, professional networking, and topic debates for every attendee.

A co-production of the National Association of Science Writers (NASW), the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW), and the Science Communicators of North Carolina, ScienceWriters2024 continues this tradition with craft and career workshops organized by NASW members, New Horizons in Science briefings curated by CASW, plus additional receptions and tours presented by partners and event sponsors. This is the first time the ScienceWriters annual conference, which began in 2005, has returned to a city: ScienceWriters2012 was hosted in Raleigh in partnership with University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, UNC-Charlotte, North Carolina State University, Duke University, and other institutions in October 2012. Learn more here, then register for the conference at www.sciencewriters2024.org/register

Founded in 1934 with a mission to fight for the free flow of science news, NASW is an organization of ~2,400 professional journalists, authors, editors, producers, public information officers, students and people who write and produce material intended to inform the public about science, health, engineering, and technology. To learn more, visit www.nasw.org and follow NASW on LinkedIn and Bluesky. And join us in celebrating #NASW90th.