NASW student programs during virtual AAAS 2021 annual meeting

The National Association of Science Writers (NASW) is sponsoring virtual student programming to coincide with the AAAS 2021 annual meeting. To participate, students must become members of NASW by Feb. 1, 2021. Note that signing up to view content on is not the same as joining NASW. Please double check that you are a member before arriving at the program venues. NASW members receive complimentary AAAS Newsroom registration (Under “Organization or Media Type” select “Association” then under “Organizational Membership" select "NASW").

Travel Fellowship: We will not award travel fellowships this year, since the AAAS 2021 annual meeting is virtual.

Mentoring Program: NASW will sponsor a virtual mentoring program during AAAS 2021, pairing graduate and undergraduate students with working journalists, public information officers and other science writers interested in similar beats. Students will have the option of writing a news article based on a AAAS session of their choice, and mentors will serve as editors. Stories will be published at To be eligible, participants must become NASW student members by Feb. 1, 2021. Students who would like to have a mentor may sign up here. Science writers who would like to volunteer as a mentor should sign up here.

Mentors and mentees will meet their match at assigned tables in Remo. Find your Remo table assignment here. Please make note of your table number.

Internship Fair and Editor Meet & Greet: Graduate and undergraduate students are invited to meet with editors from top magazines, research institutes, national labs and other science communication outlets during a speed-dating-style internship fair and meet & greet on Saturday, Feb. 6 at 1 p.m. Eastern. Some editors will be available for general conversations, whereas others may recruit candidates for paid internships. You must pre-register. Registrants will receive additional instructions later. To participate in the fair, students must join NASW by Feb. 1. Learn more about the internship fair here.

Editors: To take part in the internship fair/meet & greet, please send an email to fair coordinator Berly McCoy and indicate whether you are interested in recruiting students for internships or simply having conversations.

See you in February!

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