NASW welcomes inaugural Standing Ethics Committee members

Last fall, NASW members overwhelmingly approved an amendment to our bylaws that reshapes our process for investigating and handling complaints. It calls for the formation of a Standing Ethics Committee, drawn from active NASW committee members. Earlier this year, the board solicited applications from current committee members interested in being part of this new group, a two-year commitment.

Our thanks go to all who reached out. We sought to cultivate as much diversity in the group as possible to represent the range of our members.

Serving on the Standing Ethics Committee are

  • Emily Anthes
  • Shraddha Chakradhar
  • Jeff Grabmeier
  • Laurel Hamers
  • Laura Helmuth
  • Esther Landhuis
  • Jyoti Madhusoodanan
  • Bryn Nelson
  • Emily Willingham
  • Phil Yam

The group has met several times this spring and, even in the midst of a pandemic, members are working together to undertake training on how to deal with harassment and bullying, review case studies of complaints commonly encountered by associations, and develop a detailed set of procedures and processes that can support their work and that of future committee members. Thank you all, for your time and commitment.

EurekAlert! member survey

NAS Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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