Nominations open for mid-term election

Are you interested in contributing your time and talents to support an organization that promotes the professional interests of science writers nationally and globally, plays an active role in supporting efforts to ensure writers are paid for their work, and advocates for copyright protections for writers? Consider running for the National Association of Science Writers Board of Directors. Board members help lead this organization of 2,300 journalists, authors, editors, producers, public information officers, students and others who write and produce material intended to inform the public about science.

A special election is being held to fill a mid-term vacancy. This situation came about when Nsikan Akpan resigned his position as secretary last month. That left a vacancy in the secretary position, which, consistent with the bylaws, the Board will fill by promoting a sitting Board member. A vote of the membership will fill the resulting vacant Board member-at-large seat.

The Nominating Committee has been asked to present at least three candidates for members' consideration, using the same criteria used for candidates presented for the full Board election in 2018 — an eye toward increasing diversity on the Board and bringing in new people who have not previously served in leadership roles in NASW.

Prospective candidates should submit a 500-word statement of interest to no later than August 1. In the statement, candidates should address:

  • Your reason(s) for running.
  • What you feel you can contribute to NASW.
  • Experiences that have prepared you for service, e.g. volunteering, leadership roles. (No special training is required to serve as a board member, but please tell us if you have additional skills widely needed by non-profit boards such as an accounting or legal background.)

Please note that the Nominating Committee seeks candidates who are committed to the process of deliberative dialog and intentionally does not request candidates' viewpoints on any particular issue. Such viewpoints can be made known to the membership during the campaign process by candidates.

All prospective candidates should read and review the candidate information sheet as well as other important NASW policies to familiarize themselves with the requirements of the role and the governance of the organization. Please contact with any questions.

Selected candidates will be notified in mid-August and asked to provide a photo and candidate statement for sharing with NASW members. Candidates will be announced in early September. Members can vote via online proxy beginning in October or at the Oct. 26 meeting:

Saturday, Oct. 26 Nittany Lion Inn State College, Pa. during ScienceWriters2019 According to our bylaws, any election must be tied to an in-person meeting.

Thank you, Laura Helmuth for the Nominating Committee:
Terry Devitt
Robin Henig
Ben Young Landis
Apoorva Mandavilli
Emily Sohn

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