Online voting ends at Noon Eastern Monday

All regular members should have received a unique email invitation to participate in the upcoming Board and Officers election.

There are two ways to vote: Use the personalized link in that email (sent July 15) to register your choices online or attend the Special Meeting scheduled for Monday, August 9, from 5:30 to 6:30 PM in New York City. It will take place at 4 West 43rd Street, in the ballroom. That's just west of Fifth Avenue, on the south side of West 43rd, directly opposite the Century Association. The ballroom will be directly in front of you when you enter the building lobby. Signs on the building say simply, '4 West 43rd Street Bldg.' (This is a space that SWINY has used in the past for meetings.)

For candidate statements, see or read them within the online voting system. You have until Monday, August 9 at Noon Eastern to register your choices online.

Special Meeting Agenda Monday, August 9, 2010 5:30-6:30PM

  • Intro
  • Vote
  • New business
  • Adjourn

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