Proposed amendment: Background, discussion, comments

On October 29, NASW members will vote on a proposed amendment to the NASW constitution that would change the qualifications for the positions of president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. A lot of discussion has been prompted by this amendment, and we'd like to give the ongoing conversation a home on the NASW web site so as many people as possible, members and non-members alike, can engage in the discussion about issues that affect our community. Please note, though, that while non-members will be able to read the comments, only NASW members will be able to post.

The text of the petition to amend the constitution, which was presented to the board last fall with signatures from 39 members, is available here, and the report from the ad hoc committee that reviewed the amendment's possible impact is here.

Please take the time to read through the proposed amendment and ad hoc committee report and share your thoughts here on how you think our community in general can best respond to the needs of all its members, no matter what roles they take in their lives as science writers. We urge you to treat the discussion, and each other, with professional respect. Our hope is that the comments will set a constructive, community-building tone, and that they will focus on potential solutions to the issues identified by the ad hoc committee.

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