Renew your NASW membership for 2025

Thank you for your continued involvement with the National Association of Science Writers, an organization devoted to advancing good science writing, developing professional skills and networks for science writers, and promoting the free flow of science news and information.

To renew, use the personalized link in your renewal invitation or click on the appropriate category below.

The renewal screens include several survey questions, including the Authors Coalition survey, which supports program funding that NASW receives.

We’ve kept the renewal rate unchanged again this year, and a hardship rate is available for any member in need. And should you have resources to spare, please consider a contribution to our NASW Community Fund. Details on both of these options, as well as detailed renewal instructions if needed, are below.

Our members are what make our community strong. Throughout the past year, so many of you have offered support for each other and for our field, and, of course, your member dues go hand-in-hand with all of these great programming, resources, and services — funding our administration, communication, and coordination capacities. We hope that you will choose to remain part of our collaborative community — and keep making NASW strong with your 2025 membership renewal.

The last day to renew and retain your membership benefits is Feb. 28. We have waived the late fee this year to offer more flexibility for members. If you are able, please consider renewing soon to help us project income for important programming.

You will receive an instant receipt via email. Once your renewal is complete and payment received, you can access your updated membership card immediately by logging into the ScienceWriters ( web site and using the "ID card" link near the top of the screen. The online membership card is a printable PDF, or you can access it on your smartphone for real-time membership verification anywhere, anytime. You can even add a photo to your online membership card by logging into the ScienceWriters ( web site and using the "Edit your profile" link near the top of the screen.

Hardship rate

In an effort to support members who are experiencing extreme financial distress, we are offering a hardship rate for renewals. If you are in need, renewing at the hardship rate is as simple as selecting the option. If you are in a position in which even any amount of dues is too much, please send an email to with a short description of the hardship so we can assist.

Able to renew and also help others?

When you renew your NASW membership for 2025, you can make an additional gift in support of our talented professional and student colleagues. Our Community Fund creates an additional way for NASW members to give to our community goals. By growing our funding base, we can further sustain the grant programs necessary to meet ongoing and new areas of encouragement. These programs assist colleagues with financial need, support student trainees, and advance our diversity and equity mission. This year the fund helped support the participation of 27 grantees in the ScienceWriters2024 virtual and in-person conference.

EurekAlert! member survey

NAS Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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