Resources for Science Writing Teachers

Do you teach science writing - or do you want to do so? The NASW education committee has created several new resources for people who teach science writing, including an e-mail discussion list called NASW-TEACH and a Web site containing suggestions for classroom exercises and reading lists.

The goal of both projects is to create a virtual community in which teachers can connect with other instructors around the country to exchange ideas and seek guidance. The list is open to anyone who teaches science writing or who is considering leading such a course. You may subscribe to NASW-TEACH by following the instructions in the "Subscription Management" section of the NASW mailing lists page, below the explanation of NASW-list policies and procedures. The committee also has developed a Web site with a variety of resources for teachers. Features include links to sample course syllabi; examples of class exercises; and a list of suggested books, online readings and handouts. The site will be updated periodically with new information culled from discussions on nasw-teach. Visit to view the site. For more information about the nasw-teach listserv or the teachers' Web site, or to volunteer to serve on the Education Committee, please send an e-mail to

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