Results from recent NASW bylaw vote

We are pleased to report the results of the recent membership vote on several proposals to update the bylaws. The full rationale and outline of changes is available at

Article II: Changing regular membership category name
I am in favor of the changing the title of "regular membership" to "professional membership" in Article II and throughout the bylaws: 94% (397 votes)
I am NOT in favor. 6% (24 votes)
Abstain: 16

Article II: Proposal to remove requirement for two sponsors
I am in favor of the proposed change: 85% (349 votes)
I am NOT in favor: 15% (62 votes)
Abstain: 26

Article II: Requirements for student membership
I am in favor of the proposed change: 94% (403 votes)
I am NOT in favor: 6% (26 votes)
Abstain: 8

Article II: Proposal for additional category
I am in favor of the additional category described in Article II, Section 5, and changes in Article II and elsewhere necessary to reflect its creation in the bylaws: 92% (379 votes)
I am NOT in favor. 8% (32 votes)
Abstain: 26

Throughout: Updating pronouns
I am in favor of replacing "his or her/him or her" with "their/them" throughout the bylaws: 93% (375 votes)
I am NOT in favor: 7% (29 votes)
Abstain: 33

Throughout: Housekeeping updates to several provisions
I am in favor of the changes to Article I, IV, VIII, and X. 99% 375 votes
I am NOT in favor: 1% (4 votes)
Abstain: 56

An organization’s bylaws are its legal scaffolding and support its aims, which are accomplished via programs, projects, and other initiatives. These changes include an additional membership category to support a more inclusive membership; however, the changes are one prong of a multi-pronged effort to address diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

Work will now begin to implement these changes in time for the 2022 membership year and build on them going forward. Thank you to all who participated in the comment period, discussions, and voting, and thank you to the Membership Committee for their research, deliberation, and for bringing these proposals forward.

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