Revised draft of Article VII now available

A revised version of Article VIII of the NASW Constitution, the article that deals with the organization's procedures for suspending or terminating membership, has been posted.

Revision of Article VIII was advised last year by an attorney who reviewed the NASW constitution for compliance with state laws for nonprofit 501(c)6 corporations. Amendments to other parts of the constitution were approved by the NASW membership in February, but the amendment to Article VIII was rejected. Instead, members directed that an ad hoc committee be established to develop a new version to be voted on this November.

Mariette DiChristina, the president, and Tinsley Davis, executive director, asked John Gever, an NASW member, and Dan Ferber, a board member, to serve as co-chairs of an ad hoc committee to redraft Article VIII. Norman Bauman, Melissa Blouin, Jennie Dusheck, David Levine, and David Lawrence volunteered to serve on the ad hoc committee.

After several months and another attorney review, they have produced the following for your consideration and vote.

This version of Article VIII makes two key policy changes:

  • A case would be heard by either the board or an ad hoc committee of non-board members. In most cases, the accused chooses who hears his or her case. (According to the old constitution, cases go directly to the general membership at the annual meeting. According to the version of Article VIII rejected in February, a case would be heard by the NASW board.)
  • If the charges against the accused are upheld, he or she can appeal to the membership. If the accused is exonerated, the verdict is final.

We appreciate the thoughtfulness and care of everyone who participated in developing this amendment, including those who contributed suggestions and comments on the draft posted online earlier this summer.

All the best,

John Gever

Dan Ferber

Co-chairs, Article VIII subcommittee

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