From ScienceWriters: World Conference of Science Journalists 2017

ScienceWriters Spring 2016 cover

Website launched

In February, the World Conference of Science Journalists 2017 website was launched. It is your one-stop location for news and updates on the conference program, proposal submissions, fellowships, venues, field trips, and registration.

FAQ section

FAQs answer frequently asked questions such as:

  • How will the World Conference of Science Journalists be different from an annual ScienceWriters meeting?
  • Will travel fellowships be offered to attend WCSJ2017?
  • Will the WCSJ2017 meeting be useful for public information officers?

Early sponsors announced

Early-stage fundraising by Ros Reid, Cris Russell, and Damien Chalaud has secured $585,000 from the following:

  • Johnson & Johnson Innovation $400,000 (top-tier sponsor)
  • Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation $60,000
  • Howard Hughes Medical Institute $50,000
  • Annual Reviews $25,000
  • Burroughs Wellcome Fund $25,000
  • American Chemical Society $25,000

Together with a combined commitment of $212,000 from NASW, UC Berkeley, and UC San Francisco this brings the total to $797,000; roughly one-third of what is needed to fund the conference.

Fundraising leads

You can help by providing the committee with contacts you have contacts with potential sponsors in the following categories:

  • Science publishers/media companies and related foundations
  • Research and technology organizations and companies with a base or presence in Northern California
  • Foundations and nonprofits focused on global development, health, and environmental issues

Contact Ros Reid with your leads or if you have questions.

Call for proposals

May 15–Sept- 30, 2016

The WCSJ2017 program committee is preparing the call for proposals. Under the leadership of Deborah Blum, director of the Knight Science Journalism program at MIT, the committee will review proposals via teleconference and in-person at a meeting in San Antonio during ScienceWriters2016.

Organizing committee expanded

The following international representatives have joined the WCSJ2017 organizing committee:

  • Dalia Abd El Salam, Cairo. Dalia has been a journalist since 1994. She is environment editor of Al Ahram Hebdo; one of the most prestigious newspapers in Egypt and the Middle East. Dalia was co-director of the 7th World Conference of Science Journalists held in Doha, in 2011.
  • Luc Allemand, Paris. A veteran journalist, Luc is editor of La Recherche, a monthly French-language, popular science news magazine. It is published by the Société d'éditions scientifiques (the Scientific Publishing Group), a subsidiary of Financière Tallandier.
  • Mandi Smallhorne, Johannesburg. Freelance science writer Mandi has been writing about social issues, health, and the environment for over 25 years. She is president of the South African Science Journalists Association and of the African Federation of Science Journalists.

Email updates

Sign up for occasional email updates, including conference announcements and special features by entering your email address at

Beginning May 15, view the call for proposals at

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