ScienceWriters2013 fellows selected

Several types of fellowships are available each year to offset travel costs to the ScienceWriters meeting. Congratulations to the following recipient of this year's travel fellowships. Look for them at the meeting. Many fellows will be helping out by live tweeting or filing conference reports on various sessions.

2013 Freelance Travel Grant Recipients
Karen Blum, Owings Mills, MD

Rebecca Boyle, St. Louis, MO

Jennie Dusheck, Santa Cruz, CA

Robert Frederick, Greensboro, NC

Amy Maxmen, Brooklyn, NY

Carol Milano, New York, NY

Melinda Wenner Moyer, Cold Spring, NY

Kendall Powell, Boulder, CO

Peter Smith, Brooklyn, NY

Carina Storrs, New York, NY

2013 Graduate Travel Grant Recipients
Julia Calderone, UC Santa Cruz

Jason Davis, University of Arizona

Cat Ferguson, UC Santa Cruz

Azeen Ghorayshi, Imperial College

Geoffrey Giller, Yale University

2013 Changing Times Travel Grant Recipients
Kathleen Goss, Chicago, IL

Cecile LeBlanc, Flagstaff, AZ

Michael E. Newman, Gaithersburg, MD

Jane Palmer, Boulder, CO

Kelly April Tyrrell, Wilmington, DE

2013 CASW Traveling Fellowship

Jenni Laidman, Louisville, KY

Amanda Mascarelli, Denver, CO

Wynne Parry, New York, NY

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