ScienceWriters2021 to be hybrid event; Submit a session proposal

We are pleased to announce that ScienceWriters2021 will be held as a hybrid event, with an in-person gathering in Boulder, Colorado, October 8-11.

The University of Colorado Boulder and the CU Anschutz Medical Campus are excited to welcome those who are able to travel to the Rocky Mountains this fall, and NASW and CASW are delighted that we will have an opportunity to gather in Colorado as a community. We are also excited to create unique, tailored virtual ScienceWriters2021 experiences in the weeks surrounding the in-person gathering for those unable or not yet ready to travel, or for those who prefer to gather virtually.

We are all committed to the safety of the science writing community and have made these plans after much careful consideration. We will remain vigilant in monitoring ongoing developments, altering plans if situations warrant, and communicating with attendees and members as the dates approach. We expect to open registration in late summer. Looking ahead, we plan to hold ScienceWriters2022 in Chicago and gather in Memphis in 2023 (instead of this year). We are incredibly grateful to our hosts in Colorado and Tennessee for their flexibility in scheduling and the deep empathy they’ve expressed over the past year.

Please consider proposing a virtual or in-person NASW craft session or a Science+Science Writing session, or contact CASW’s New Horizons program director Wayt Gibbs to suggest a science session topic. The deadline has been extended to Friday, April 23 for NASW proposals and April 30 for Science+Science Writing proposals. Learn more about how to share your creativity at

Thank you,

Tinsley Davis, National Association of Science Writers

Ros Reid, Council for the Advancement of Science Writing

EurekAlert! member survey

NAS Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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