#SciWri20 grants available to those in need

Each year NASW offers a number of travel grants to help colleagues in need attend our ScienceWriters conference and other professional development opportunities. This year, for our first-ever virtual ScienceWriters, we are offering grants to offset registration fees, help attendees acquire technical support or boost bandwidth, and/or assist with caregiving costs. Our goal is to help as many attendees as possible attend and engage at our virtual meeting. Even without the costs of travel, we realize that the difficulties of this year present unique challenges and hardships.

Are you in need of financial support to participate in ScienceWriters2020? Apply here for a grant of up to $500; the deadline is September 10. If sufficient funds remain, we will continue to accept applications on a rolling basis after September 10. You do not need to be a member to apply. Awardees who are eligible for student or regular membership will receive a complimentary membership.

Would you like to help support the science writing community? The Community Fund creates an additional way for NASW members to give to our community goals. By growing our funding base, we can further sustain the grant programs necessary to meet ongoing and new areas of encouragement. Please consider the fund by contributing the amount of a registration below or by contributing any amount via nasw.org/travel-fund-donation.

NASW is a 501(c)(6) organization. As such, your gift is not tax-deductible. All gifts are designated in full for grant disbursement, with no fraction diverted to overhead. For more details, visit nasw.org/travel-fund-donation.

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