SciWri21 grant support available: Apply by August 30

Each year NASW offers a number of travel grants to help colleagues in need attend our ScienceWriters conference and other professional development opportunities. This year we are supporting needs for both virtual and in-person attendees. In addition, our colleagues and friends at the Council for Advancement of Science Writing are offering two grant opportunities.

NASW's SciWri21 Support Grant

Are you in need of financial support to participate in ScienceWriters2021 either in person or virtually? Apply for a grant of up to $1000 to cover registration fees, increase bandwidth, offset travel costs, purchase a headset or other equipment, and/or assist with caregiving costs (including, but not limited to, childcare and elder care).

Apply here no later than August 30. If sufficient funds remain, we will continue to accept applications on a rolling basis after August 30. These grants will reimburse up to $1000 in travel and registration expenses for in-person attendees and up to $500 in registration and other expenses for virtual attendees. You may apply before you have made a final decision about in-person vs. virtual attendance. You do not need to be a member to apply. Awardees who are eligible for student or regular membership will receive a complimentary membership. 

Application deadline: Monday, August 30, 2021

CASW New Horizons Travel Fellowship

Eligibility: The fellowships are intended primarily for journalists from smaller metropolitan print and broadcast news outlets, as well as freelance and online journalists with a demonstrated interest in science writing.

Description: The fellowships, provided by the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing, offer up to $1,000 to cover the costs of attending ScienceWriters2021. CASW traveling fellows are expected to provide a written report or social-media curation on the New Horizons program. 

To apply: Applications may be submitted online at Submit 1) a brief (no more than 500-word) expression of interest; 2) a resume; 3) no more than 3 news clips, posts or transcripts on any topic; and 4) a nominating letter from a senior editor, news director or producer. 

Application deadline: Monday, August 30, 2021

David Perlman Mentoring Program Participant Mini-Grants

We are pleased to invite participants in the David Perlman Mentoring Program to join us at ScienceWriters2021, with support from the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing. This support is made possible by individual donations received by CASW in honor of David Perlman.

CASW will offer up to 18 mini-grants to enable students who participated in the 2021 David Perlman Mentoring Program to attend the conference, either in person or online or both.

These mini-grants will reimburse up to $500 in travel and registration expenses for in-person attendees and up to $150 in registration and other expenses for virtual attendees. You may apply before you have made a final decision about in-person vs. virtual attendance. There are no geographical restrictions on eligibility, and these funds may be combined with other support.

You may apply online at Submittable.

Application deadline: Monday, August 30, 2021


Would you like to help support the science writing community? NASW’s Community Fund creates an additional way for NASW members to give to our community goals. By growing our funding base, we can further sustain the grant programs necessary to meet ongoing and new areas of encouragement. Please consider the fund by contributing when you register for ScienceWriters2021 or any time via Last year, we awarded an additional $6,330 in grants to a record number of recipients thanks to you!

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