#SciWriCoffee virtual social for early career members

Are you an early career science writer in our NASW community? Looking to ask or share advice with other members also facing down this unprecedented pandemic, just as your careers were launching? Then join us Wednesday, May 6 at 1:00 pm Eastern on Zoom!

Presenting our new #SciWriCoffee Virtual Socials for NASW members! Just like the in-person meetups we enjoyed pre-pandemic, our NASW #SciWriCoffee sessions offer open opportunities for informal networking or peer support. We'll use Zoom breakout rooms to create small groups of 3-4 members to connect and commiserate. So, pour a cup, cozy up to your computer, and come find community with your science writing friends and colleagues.

Click here for information on how to join the Zoom meeting

#SciWriCoffee sessions are not recorded to ensure an open conversation atmosphere.

EurekAlert! member survey

NAS Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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