Sept. 6 in NYC: Science, journalism, and democracy

Science, Journalism, and Democracy: Grappling with a New Reality
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Free, Registration Required

The current media landscape is a confusing swirl of reality, misinformation, and so-called fake news. Where does science communication fit into this mess? And how can we navigate a political climate that's increasingly hostile to both science and journalism?

This one-day conference, organized by the National Association of Science Writers, Science Writers in New York, and The Rockefeller University, will offer science communicators new tools for working in the current political climate. It will also help attendees learn strategies to get answers from governmental agencies and other sources that may be reluctant to answer questions. Conference attendees will hear not only from journalists but also from historians, lawyers, and scientists exploring the evolving interactions among science, journalism, and democracy in our society.

There is no charge to attend the conference, but registration is required. Space is limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. The conference will be livestreamed for registrants unable to attend in person. You still need to register to receive the livestream link when it becomes available. Choose the livestream option.


Conference venue:
The Rockefeller University
Carson Family Auditorium (map)
1230 York Avenue
New York, New York 10065

Special thanks to the organizing committee: NASW Board member Brooke Borel, SWINY Board co-chairs David Levine and Joe Bonner, and Franklin Hoke at the Rockefeller University.

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Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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