Submit your stories and photos: NASW's 90th birthday celebration

By Ben Young Landis

Our National Association of Science Writers turns 90 this year! A lot has changed in the world since 1934, yet today, we are still fighting for the free flow of science news. From misinformation campaigns to unethical uses of generative A.I. to widespread layoffs, our professional community — and our journalist colleagues in particular — faces bigger challenges than ever.

But perhaps we can take heart in the nine decades we’ve traveled thus far, and trust that science writing and science writers can survive and thrive yet again. That our collective mission — and the essential societal importance of our role in translating scientific knowledge to inform the public — might give us strength to weather this storm and others to come.

That strength, of course, is cemented by the relationships and collaborations that NASW members have seeded and grown since 1934. Our association still exists after 90 years because of you and the community you’ve created. So in 2024, we invite you to share your stories, memories, and reflections on all that you hold dear as a science writer and as an NASW member. Please contribute to our NASW 90th Anniversary Story + Photo Share Project!

Submit Your Story or Photo (Google Form; requires Google account to log in):

Whether you're four months in or four decades in, we want to hear from you. Ideas for submissions include:

  • Memories from your first NASW gathering
  • Friendships and mentors you gained through NASW
  • Moments in history where science writing made a difference
  • Your hopes for science writing in the next 90 years
  • Photos of NASW gatherings
  • Photos of yourself on the job, in the field or at your desk

We look forward to sharing your submissions via NASW channels throughout 2024! Thank you again for your spirit and participation as an NASW member year after year — and thank you for all that you do to make a difference in this world.

Ben Young Landis is the assistant executive director of NASW and also serves as its digital, print, and social media editor.

Founded in 1934 with a mission to fight for the free flow of science news, NASW is an organization of ~ 2,800 professional journalists, authors, editors, producers, public information officers, students and people who write and produce material intended to inform the public about science, health, engineering, and technology. To learn more, visit and follow NASW on LinkedIn.

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