Take leadership! Submit your name to run for the NASW Board in 2024

Later in 2024, NASW members will elect officers and at-large members to form the next NASW Board. As board members, these volunteers take on the ultimate responsibility of overseeing the health, management, and future of our incredible association — a tradition stretching back to NASWʻs founding in 1934.

Are you interested in getting involved? Are you ready to help lead our membership through these challenging times? Any professional member in good standing may run for the board — and there are two ways to join the list of candidates:

  • Submit your name to the NASW Nominating Committee: Working from submissions of interest and recruitment, the Nominating Committee will compile a list of candidates this spring. This committee's goal is to develop a diverse and inclusive list of candidates who are committed to the goals of NASW and who are qualified and willing to undertake the commitments of volunteer leadership. Members interested in potentially serving as a candidate should send a 500 -word statement of interest/bio to nomcom@nasw.org no later than the end of the day, March 18, 2024. Include your past volunteer experience with NASW and/or other organizations, any special skills or perspectives you bring, and tell us why you want to get involved.
  • Submit a Petition: Members may collect signatures from a minimum of 20 other professional members to run by petition. The NASW Bylaws (Article III) provide details on qualifications. Petitions, along with the signed disclosure form are due to nomcom@nasw.org no later than April 19, 2024.

No matter their route to the ballot, all potential candidates should carefully review the "Information for Prospective Board Members" packet, which contains lots of detail on the expectations and responsibilities of board members. Additionally, All prospective board members will be required to sign a disclosure form prior to finalization of candidacy; a review copy is located in the information packet.

Elections will take place in early autumn 2024 and all NASW Professional Members will be able to vote in person or issue a proxy online. Watch for election announcements via nasw.org or your inbox.

The members of the NASW Nominating Committee for 2024 are: Cassandra Willyard, chair; Pakinam Amer, Siri Carpenter, Sujata Gupta, Ashley Smart, and Emily Sohn.

Founded in 1934 with a mission to fight for the free flow of science news, NASW is an organization of ~2,800 professional journalists, authors, editors, producers, public information officers, students and people who write and produce material intended to inform the public about science, health, engineering, and technology. To learn more, visit www.nasw.org and follow NASW on LinkedIn.

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