Tweeting the meeting

By Beth Skwarecki

I'm Beth Skwarecki, one of the NASW freelance travel fellows. I'm a freelancer based in Pittsburgh, PA (previously Ithaca, NY) and I'm excited to be part of ScienceWriters 2010.

I'll be tweeting several of the sessions on Saturday from @BethSkw, including Get the numbers right and The social web and online commenting - and then I'll keep on tweeting from the CASW sessions too.

While tweeting is a great way to capture an event in real-time, I'll also be following the blog posts here for the more digested, thoughtful takes on the sessions. Comparing the two will be interesting for those who have asked "what's the point of tweeting a conference?" ... a question that I wonder about too. We're asking tweeters to use the tag #sciwri10 so we can all find each other's posts. For an alternate view of the twitter chatter with that tag, check out this "daily newspaper" version of the feed.

I first signed up for twitter while at ScienceWriters2008, and it's become a huge part of how I keep up with science writing and how I connect with other writers, scientists, and friends. This year I'm trying out another service, foursquare, while I'm in New Haven. That means I'll be "checking in" to locations around town - the Omni will be a frequent one, I'm sure - so if you'd like to join me in my experiment, find me there by my twitter handle.

Even after the meeting, you can follow me on twitter for short posts and links, mainly about what goes on inside the human body - biology, health, genetics, fitness, and more.

I also blog (but less frequently) at When I'm not writing, you can find me tutoring, singing, crafting, running, parenting (I have a 1-year-old), or tearing up the roller derby track as Cruisin' B. Anthony with the Steel City Derby Demons.

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