The Year Ahead

The officers of NASW gathered last week in New York to discuss continuity matters. It was the second time this two-year term we met to decide how to get along without one of our elected officers.

That first meeting had been such a happy occasion: our treasurer Carol Ezzell Webb had resigned to raise twins. Mariette DiChristina moved from secretary to treasurer. To replace her as secretary, we appointed board member Nancy Shute, who stepped forward to help with the increasingly complex task of running this wonderful organization. Now we faced the same task again, for so much sadder a reason -- the death of our president Laura van Dam.

As stipulated by our constitution, the vice president will take over as president of NASW for the remainder of this term.

With a board election in the near future, the officers agreed to handle the organization's business for the remainder of the term, sharing the work for the rest of the year.

All of us in NASW share a passion for science and a belief that this organization has an important role to play in ensuring public understanding of its complexities. With your help, we have brought NASW so far in recent years. We know we can rely on you all as we face the challenges of the year ahead.

Robert Lee Hotz President

Mariette DiChristina Treasurer

Nancy Shute Secretary

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