ScienceWriters2025 conference
An update for the science-writing community about a change regarding this year’s conference, ScienceWriters2025.
An update for the science-writing community about a change regarding this year’s conference, ScienceWriters2025.
The National Association of Science Writers (NASW) and the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW) are proud to invite you to ScienceWriters2025 — the annual conference serving science writing professions and professionals in the United States and beyond. Locations and dates to be announced soon. Session proposals due in March.
Feb. 10, 2025The National Association of Science Writers and its Grants Committee are now accepting applications for a new round of NASW Peggy Girshman Idea Grants. All proposals are due on Friday, April 4, 2025.
Jan. 13, 2025SciWri24 travel grantee Rambo Talabong reports on "How to Build Trust with Sources — Dos and Don'ts" NASW plenary session in Raleigh organized by Rodrigo Pérez Ortega and Priyanka Runwal.
Dec. 12, 2024SciWri24 travel grantee Madhukara Kekulandara reports on "When Words Aren’t Enough: How to Make Visuals Part of Your Storytelling” NASW virtual workshop session organized by Rachel Ehrenberg.
Dec. 12, 2024SciWri24 travel grantee Lauren Pond reports on "Engaging GenZ with Science Using Social Media Video and Dancing" NASW workshop session in Raleigh organized by Olivia Maule and Maren Hunsberger.
Dec. 12, 2024SciWri24 travel grantee Mureji Fatunde reports on the "No Kidding: The Truth About Writing for Kids’ Science Media" NASW workshop session in Raleigh organized by Lindsay Patterson and Stephen Ornes.
Dec. 11, 2024SciWri24 travel grantee Ambika Kandasamy reports on the "Building Your Story’s Structure" NASW workshop session in Raleigh organized by Maya L. Kapoor.
Dec. 11, 2024SciWri24 travel grantee Bec Roldan reports on the “Tools, Toys, or Trouble: Can A.I. Help Science Communicators” NASW workshop session in Raleigh organized by Abigail Eisenstadt, Matthew Wright, and Matt Shipman.
Dec. 10, 2024