NASW news

The winner of the 2007 Evert Clark/Seth Payne Award, an annual prize for young science journalists, is Jia-Rui Chong. A staff writer at The Los Angeles Times, Chong received the award and its $1000 prize for four stories: "Badminton World Isn't Smiling for These Birdies;" "Alaska villagers living in bird flu's flight path;" "Book with a buried treasure;" and "First warmer, then sicker."

Aug. 12, 2007

Maybe it's just the magic of Oz, a land where the laid-back effervescence of the natives is contagious and a new multiculturalism has pasta topping pasties and tall-blacks almost beating out beer. No matter the reason — or what was brewed with the coffee — the result was the Fifth World Conference of Science Journalists held in Melbourne, Australia, April 16-20.

Jul. 20, 2007

NASW is now implementing the final phase of its web site redesign and revamping several features of its members web site.

During this transition, you will be unable to register for a new web site user name and password, change your password, or create/change your email alias. Other functions, including personal web pages and listserv subscriptions, should not be affected, and you will continue to have access to the member web site using your current user name and password. Lost passwords cannot be recovered or reset until the transition is complete.

Our current schedule calls for this transition to be completed in early July. In the meantime, please direct any questions to NASW cybrarian Russell Clemings.

Jun. 23, 2007

Earl Ubell, 80, a pioneer among science and health writers in America and a former president of NASW, has died. Prominent in the emerging scientific writing community in the 1950s and early 1960s, Mr. Ubell help lay the foundations of our craft during a long, distinguished career at The New York Herald Tribune, CBS and NBC News. Among his many honors, he received the Lasker Medical Journalism Award, the AAAS science wriitng award and several Emmies. He was president of the National Association of Science Writers in 1960 and 1961. For a rare glimpse of how Earl Ubell reported on complex technical topics in 1950 at the dawn of the television era, follow this link to the video vaults of WGBH. A memorial service will be held in New York on Friday, July 13, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the CUNY School of Journalism, 230 W. 41 St., 3rd floor.

Jun. 3, 2007

A number of you raised concerns about unusually restrictive media policies for the upcoming Control of Influenza VI conference in Toronto, June 17-23, including plans to charge media a $675 admission fee.

May 7, 2007