NASW news

Acting NASW president Lee Hotz called the meeting to order at 8:10 am. He noted that this would have been Laura Van Dam's last meeting as NASW president, had she not died this spring. "It occurred to me last night during the Science Cabaret how much Laura would have appreciated the energy and joy that was circulating." He asked for a moment of silence in her memory.

Jan. 7, 2007

The National Association of Science Writers invites all interested members to apply for a Laura Van Dam Travel Fellowship to this spring's meeting of the World Federation of Science Journalists in Melbourne, Australia.

Nov. 18, 2006

Would you like to volunteer your time as a member of the Listserv Policies Subcommittee? The subcommittee will report back to the NASW president in one month with recommendations.

Nov. 13, 2006

Starting a science Web log probably won't finance your retirement, but it could boost your career in other ways, said Chris Mooney, Washington correspondent for Seed magazine and senior correspondent for The American Prospect. Mooney's comments were part of a panel at NASW's "Navigating the New Media" session.

Nov. 6, 2006

See the statements of candidates running for office or a seat on the board of directors of the National Association of Science Writers; statements also appeared in the summer issue of ScienceWriters. Officers and board members serve a term of two years, starting January 2007. Members should have received the ballots in the mail. Ballots are due to Diane McGurgan, executive director, by Nov. 30.

Nov. 5, 2006