NASW news

Improv your way to better science writing

With support from Peggy Girshman Idea Grant, Katherine Mast, Allison Mills, and Phil Weaver-Stoesz are hosting a workshop using improv—live performance in which the plot, characters, dialogue, and movements develop in the moment—to help science writers become better storytellers.

May 13, 2019

LegalEye will aid access to federal court system

Charles Seife, a journalist, author and professor at New York University, is building LegalEye, an automated research service that will help journalists find new lawsuits that are relevant to their beats and notify them of developments in interesting cases.

Apr. 10, 2019

NASW releases Information Access Standards

NASW has released a set of Information Access Standards to guide interactions between journalists and PIOs and sources at federal science agencies. The guidelines foster the transparent and open exchange of information about science and technology generated, funded, or used by government entities.

Apr. 2, 2019