NASW news

ScienceWriters 2018 panel: Apocalypse how?

Diving into the gloom without losing the light

Writing about the world's most critical and looming problems — like climate change, war, the specter of disease, and biodiversity collapse — can be a prickly, foreboding undertaking, but it's something that science writers increasingly must tackle.

Oct. 14, 2018
ScienceWriters 2018 panel: Pitch Slam

Pitch Slam

Pitching a story to an editor is one of the most daunting tasks a journalist has to carry out. At the Pitch Slam session for ScienceWriters 2018, the anxiety was almost palpable

Oct. 14, 2018
ScienceWriters 2018: NASW business meeting

NASW business meeting

Committee updates, awards, and discussion of two constitutional amendments marked this year's business meeting at ScienceWriters 2018.

Oct. 14, 2018