Two international research facilities are helping astronomers redefine the bounds of space exploration, without ever leaving the ground.
Feb. 20, 2012NASW news
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Eight endangered languages are now immortalized in online talking dictionaries, researchers announced Feb. 17 at the 2012 American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Vancouver.
Feb. 20, 2012Three sessions from our recent Flagstaff conference were caught on video and are now available for viewing on our conference reports page. They are: "Straight to the Source: Helping Scientists Speak Directly to the Press," "How to Sell That Story You Can't Let Go," and "Science News, Spot News, or Both? Managing and Covering Science Protests." Also available is an audio recording of "Writing about Science for Non-Science Publications."
Nov. 7, 2011Three sessions from our recent Flagstaff conference were caught on video and are now available for viewing. They are: "How to Sell That Story You Can't Let Go," "Straight to the Source: Helping Scientists Speak Directly to the Press," and "Science News, Spot News, or Both? Managing and Covering Science Protests." Use the "read more" link to watch and listen.
Nov. 6, 2011John de Dios, a student in the journalism masters program at the University of Arizona in Tucson, captured dozens of images from ScienceWriters2011 in Flagstaff, Ariz., Oct. 14-18, 2011. Use the "read more" button to see them all.
Oct. 23, 2011Moderated by Czerne Reid, the session "Straight to the Source: Helping Scientists Speak Directly to the Press" was full of useful advice to PIOs. To me, the biggest message was delivered by Dennis Meredith, who said that scientists should get communication training rather than just media training, since "media is becoming one of the many outlets for scientists."
Oct. 17, 2011What would you do for the story of your dreams? Could you turn down The New York Times when it made an impossible request? Paige Williams did.
Oct. 17, 2011Representing data graphically or on a map can help journalists spot a story or bring a piece to life for readers — and it isn't as difficult to do as you might think.
Oct. 17, 2011You don't have to be Superman to juggle tweeting, blogging, writing, and living. The message of Saturday's panel session, “I tweet, I blog, but do I sleep?” was that it can be done, as long as you use social media selectively and remember to take breaks.
Oct. 17, 2011