NASW news

Ah, the allure of not having to go to roll out of bed and rush to the 9 to 5 job staff job. That’s the life of a freelancer. But the freedom, of course, has its drawbacks: Paychecks are uncertain and you’re on your own to pay for health benefits.

Oct. 16, 2011

Many freelance writers start off as generalists and, either by plan or accident, end up specializing in a particular topic because it can save them time and get them more work. In fact, of the six panelists who discussed specialization at Saturday afternoon’s “Beat It” session, only one identified himself as a complete generalist.

Oct. 16, 2011

Science writing is everywhere — even in non-science publications. But how does a science writer cross over to those markets? A standing-room-only crowd gathered to hear the answer on Saturday morning at Science Writers 2011 in Flagstaff.

Oct. 16, 2011

Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir” greeted receptive attendees of David Dobbs’ Saturday afternoon workshop “Going Long: How to Structure the Longform Narrative – with Help From Music, Theater, and Film.” Dobbs played portions of the track, an example of the rock pioneers’ exploration of song structure, to kick off a fascinating talk and discussion about the use of form and structure in longform narrative stories.

Oct. 16, 2011

When Siri Carpenter opened the Pitch Slam session, just two writers had signed up to pitch. But an hour and a half later, nearly a dozen ideas had been put to the panel of seven editors. Not a single assignment was made, but both the pitchers and many others in the room likely walked out with insight about how these editors think and some specific suggestions for selling an idea.

Oct. 16, 2011