I'm Kara Rogers, another of this year's NASW travel fellows and a newbie to the SW conference scene. As a science writer and editor devoted to clear and accurate science reporting, I'm interested in hearing some insider perspectives on the future of science literacy and journalism. Saturday, I'll be tuning into "Civics of Science: Literacy and the Collapse of Science Journalism," a discussion led by Carolyn L. Funk, Jon Miller, Chris Mooney, and NASW's own Nancy Shute.
Nov. 1, 2010NASW news
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I'm Roberta Kwok, one of the NASW travel fellows. I'll be blogging on Saturday about the session "Great science writing part II: Building the big book," which features science-writing superstars K.C. Cole, Jennifer Ouellette, Charles Seife, Jonathan Weiner, and Carl Zimmer. As a former creative-writing student, I'm excited to hear their insights about how literary devices can be used to communicate science.
Nov. 1, 2010The posts on this blog will mostly come from travel fellows, who've agreed to cover specific events at the meeting as they happen. Good stuff in case you have to miss a concurrent session, or if the early morning ones defeat your best intentions to get up, go for a run, and be the first one to crack the valve on the coffee urn.
Nov. 1, 2010Nancy Shute, president of the National Association of Science Writers (NASW), asked the new NASW board members (I am one) last week if we would help give assignments to travel fellows who won NASW grants to attend the ScienceWriters 2010 conference.
Oct. 31, 2010Science and the Media, a new (and free) volume from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, is the result of a series of workshops that considered ways to enrich Americans' engagement with science and technology.
Oct. 18, 2010Winners of the 2010 Science in Society Journalism Awards are Susan Cohen and Christine Cosgrove for their book "Normal at Any Cost: Tall Girls, Short Boys, and the Medical Industry's Quest to Manipulate Height," Martha Mendoza and Margie Mason for their Associated Press series "When Drugs Stop Working," Charles Duhigg for his New York Times series "Toxic Waters," and J. Madeleine Nash for her article "Bring in the Cows," which appeared in High Country News.
Sep. 17, 2010A revised version of Article VIII of the NASW Constitution, the article that deals with the organization's procedures for suspending or terminating membership, has been posted.
Sep. 8, 2010Colleagues:
Below is a revised version of Article VIII of the NASW Constitution, the article that deals with the organization's procedures for suspending or terminating membership.
Aug. 29, 2010