NASW news

For those of you who do not subscribe to NASW-talk, there has been much discussion of the proposed bylaw revisions. That discussion led members to carry out a successful petition drive to change the available choices about bylaw revisions to be considered at the February 20 special meeting in San Diego. As you read and consider your vote, we hope you will find this FAQ helpful.

Jan. 21, 2010

Given the overwhelming response to our first round of Career Grants last summer, the National Association of Science Writers is embarking upon two more rounds to disburse another $50,000 worth of professional development funds this year. Instructions for the winter round, with a due date of February 2 and disbursement of funds in March, are below. The next round will occur in late spring.

Jan. 12, 2010

The annual membership meeting of the National Association of Science Writers was held Oct. 17, 2009, at ScienceWriters 2009 at University of Texas at Austin. About 80 members attended.

Jan. 12, 2010

Join your fellow NASW members for food, fellowship, and an important vote. On Saturday, February 20, at 4 p.m. in Room 16A of the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, Calif., we will vote on the NASW Constitution and Bylaw updates. In addition to the scintillating process of updating the document from its 1954 legalese to present requirements, these bylaw updates have the potential to save money, streamline decision-making, and lead to more transparent governance.

Jan. 8, 2010

In keeping with our commitment to transparency and free exchange of information, NASW has joined with the Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ), the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) and others in urging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to rescind a policy that currently requires notification and official approval before FDA officials are allowed to speak with journalists.

Oct. 31, 2009