NASW news

NASW awarded travel grants to 10 undergradates interested in science writing to attend the AAAS meeting in Chicago Feb. 12-16. The fellows are reporting on some of the scientific sessions that they find most interesting and newsworthy.

Feb. 14, 2009

As had been announced, Diane McGurgan leaves NASW in June, after 30 years of dedicated service. At a luncheon at the ScienceWriters 2008 meeting, a couple hundred attendees gathered to honor her. The sunny patio of the Crowne Plaza hotel, in Palo Alto, was filled with longtime friends and new members, alike in their appreciation of Diane's monumental contributions to our organization. Inside the hotel, friends viewed a slideshow and wrote fond wishes in an overflowing scrapbook.

Feb. 9, 2009

As had been announced, Diane McGurgan leaves NASW in June, after 30 years of dedicated service. At a luncheon at the ScienceWriters 2008 meeting, a couple hundred attendees gathered to honor her. The sunny patio of the Crowne Plaza hotel, in Palo Alto, was filled with longtime friends and new members, alike in their appreciation of Diane's monumental contributions to our organization. Inside the hotel, friends viewed a slideshow and wrote fond wishes in an overflowing scrapbook.

Feb. 9, 2009

Help us represent your interests. Volunteer for the NASW Annual Meeting Committee, which steers the content of our yearly ScienceWriters conference, which, this year, is scheduled to begin October 16 in Austin, Texas.

Jan. 28, 2009

Podcasts. Blogs. Embedded video clips. Facebook. Panelists shared tips for tapping into this expanding universe of new and social media during the session on "Who's Consuming Science, and How Do We Reach Them?" at ScienceWriters 2008 in October in Palo Alto.

Jan. 9, 2009

There's nothing like the introduction of four top editors to quiet a room of science writers. This year, editors from the New York Times, Scientific American, Sierra, and Wired formed the panel of the Pitch Slam, a fan favorite at the annual NASW workshops. Writers, eager to hear insider tips and witness on-the-spot feedback to story pitches, packed the room in October in Palo Alto, the site of ScienceWriters 2008.

Jan. 8, 2009

If any reporters sitting in the session "Turning the Tables: Meet the Press Critics" have had a piece panned by one of the critics present, they didn't speak up. The three panelists, who participated in ScienceWriters 2008 in October in Palo Alto, instead enjoyed a cordial environment in which they explained how they think science journalists are living up to their responsibilities — and how they're not.

Jan. 8, 2009

Science writers who wish to adapt to the digital age have two fundamental questions to answer: What new skills do I need? And what equipment do I need to buy? Panelists at this session of ScienceWriters 2008 in October in Palo Alto — organized by Tabitha Powledge — discussed how multimedia can enhance stories, how to get started with going digital and how to choose the right laptop computer.

Jan. 8, 2009