Upcoming events

Small Business Structures: An Overview

This NASW Freelance Committee virtual meetup will be a business chat on business structures. To speak on the topic, volunteer event hosts Jennifer Huber and Ellen Kuwana have invited Wudan Yan, who founded The Writers’ Co-op, a business podcast and learning academy for freelance creatives.

Apr. 3, 2025

Networking Social: Freelancer Meetup

As much as we've enjoyed and learned from the array of fascinating NASW SciWriBizChat and SciWriSkillsChat speakers this year, our greatest source of knowledge and connections is often each other. So, the NASW Freelance Committee virtual meetup on May 1 will be an open networking social with small group breakouts.

May 1, 2025

Community Wellness Check-in

In response to the many mental health and career challenges that science communicators are currently facing, NASW is hosting a series of unstructured, very informal socials where you can share in a safe space. Drop in and visit for as long as you can, when you can during the hour. All NASW members are invited. These socials will not be recorded.

May 21, 2025