Discovering Our Journalism: Empowering First-Gen Undergraduates and Early-Career Science Writers Through Mentorship
Join us as we kick off “Discovering Our Journalism: Empowering First-Gen Undergraduates and Early-Career Science Writers Through Mentorship”
Funded by a 2024 Peggy Girshman Idea Grant, this pilot mentorship program is connecting first-generation undergraduates with science journalism/communications professionals
On Wednesday, January 8, join co-organizers Shaun Kirby and Ellen Kuwana as we kick off our 5-week pilot mentorship program. During the public portion of the webinar, we will reflect with the NASW community on why science, journalism and mentorship are important to us, introduce our mentors and mentees, and hold a discussion panel with the following speakers:
Carlo Corea – Lecturer faculty, History, San Francisco State University
Helina Selemon – Science reporter & news researcher, New York Amsterdam News
Tiên Nguyễn – Independent documentary filmmaker & journalist
This mentorship program is an opportunity for mentors and mentees to reflect on the people, practices and experiences that have shaped their education and career so far, and activate that knowledge to support the professional development of undergraduates
NASW members will be able to listen and learn from our team at the outset of this experience and hopefully join the conversation to support our community. This opportunity is open to NASW members only.
Zoom Registration Link:
Program Organizers
Shaun Kirby, science communicator and former community news reporter, University of Rhode Island
Ellen Kuwana, MS, independent science writer and editor based in Seattle, Washington
For full program details, such as an agenda and mentor/mentee bios, visit our mentorship website.
This project was funded in full by a grant from the National Association of Science Writers. Reference to any specific commercial product, process, or service does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement of or recommendation by the National Association of Science Writers, and any views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the National Association of Science Writers.