Economic Struggles Support Group


Are you applying for PPP or other economic relief? Join us for #SciWriCoffee to exchange experiences, tips,or just have a sympathetic ear from other NASW members navigating the bureaucracy.

Presenting our new #SciWriCoffee Virtual Socials for NASW members. Just like the in-person meetups we enjoyed pre-pandemic, our NASW #SciWriCoffee sessions offer open opportunities for informal networking or peer support. We'll use Zoom breakout rooms to create small groups of 3-4 members to connect and commiserate. So, pour a cup, cozy up to your computer, and come find community with your science writing friends and colleagues.

Click here for information on how to join the Zoom meeting

#SciWriCoffee sessions are not recorded to ensure an open conversation atmosphere.

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EurekAlert! and Mass Media Fellowship Anniversary Reception

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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