Past events

ScienceWriters2022 in Memphis

For our 2022 annual meeting, we are excited to offer attendees the best of each medium, in-person or virtual. Join us for ScienceWriters2022 online and onsite Oct. 12-25 in collaboration with our local host, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Source Diversity Tracking: A workshop

As science writers, we’re often pressed for time. So we reach out to the sources who seem to be easiest to find. But when we exclude the voices of people who are underrepresented in science, we overlook important viewpoints that make our stories richer, more complex, and ultimately more accurate. In this two-part workshop, we’ll address why source diversity matters, what metrics to track, how to capture the data, who should capture the data, and how tracking can be used to improve our work.

Finding and working with agents … or not

Most books in today’s publishing markets are sold by literary agents. Yet, finding one to represent a first-time author can be difficult, stressful and disheartening. In this panel, several NASW authors will talk about how they found their agents (or not), and how they got their books out into the world.

Special Freelancer Coffee Chat: Professional Liability Insurance

Join us for an informal chat with a representative from Dinghy insurance about professional liability insurance. Come with questions! Dinghy has partnered with the Freelancers Union and is trying to fill a niche for freelancers/creatives who need or want some coverage but want the cost to be reasonable.


Given the continuing risks and uncertainties posed by the coronavirus pandemic, ScienceWriters2021 (#SciWri21) will be held as a virtual-only event. The decision was reached in coordination with our hosting partners at the University of Colorado Boulder and University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.