Given the continuing risks and uncertainties posed by the coronavirus pandemic, ScienceWriters2021 (#SciWri21) will be held as a virtual-only event. The decision was reached in coordination with our hosting partners at the University of Colorado Boulder and University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.
The continuing COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of the more infectious delta variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus have made it unrealistic to think that we could keep our attendees safe. All year, our hosts at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical and Boulder campuses had undertaken extraordinary efforts in partnering with us to helping us design a safe and spectacular gathering this fall, so we are saddened to see circumstances shift beyond even these best-laid plans and mitigation measures. Further, as science writers, we felt it would be irresponsible to encourage cross-country travel to a large gathering during a public health crisis.
Conference registrants who have already selected and paid for in-person participation will be automatically refunded the difference between that rate and the virtual-only rate, with refunds serviced beginning the week of August 30th. All current and future registrants will have until September 28th to cancel their registration.
We will enhance our existing virtual program to bring you an expanded slate of quality, timely professional development programming and ample opportunities for career networking via our online platforms -- building off of our ample practice organizing an online-only meeting in 2020.
SciWri21 was originally intended to provide two distinct participatory experiences, with some sessions designed as online only and other sessions as onsite only. NASW and CASW organizers will now work closely with session leaders to transition any onsite programming into online formats wherever logistically possible. The updated conference program and session schedule will be announced by early September, and we are grateful to all our SciWri21 session leaders for putting in even more energy and volunteer time as we adjust and chart an updated conference program together.
So, please bear with us. We are grateful for your excitement and eagerness to mix, meet, and mingle with like-minds across our science writing community, and we can't wait to see you online soon. Until then, please bookmark sciencewriters2021.org for developing updates on the all-virtual conference experience, session offerings, and event registration.