ScienceWriters2023 in Boulder
The University of Colorado Boulder and the CU Anschutz Medical Campus are excited to finally welcome our national conference to the Rocky Mountains this fall! ScienceWriters2023 will be held October 6-10, 2023. Events will take place in Boulder, with transport provided to special sessions on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. As in recent years, a slate of virtual-only events will also be offered.
Our meeting program, hotel and travel information, and conference policies will be announced Tuesday, Aug. 1 at registration launch.
Registration Now Open - Early Rate Ends Aug. 31
Take your craft and career to new heights — "see-you" this fall in Colorado for #SciWri23! Share our registration launch announcement and program preview. Then head over to our ScienceWriters2023 registration portal at www.sciencewriters2023.org
NEW: SWARM Student Grants
One of the many independently organized regional professional groups for science writing, the Science Writers Association of the Rocky Mountains (SWARM) is also offering grants for ScienceWriters2023. One grant of up to $1,000 is available to a student who is not based in the greater Denver-Boulder metro area. The intent of this grant is to help defray travel, lodging and registration costs for a student who has to travel a significant distance to attend the national conference. One or more additional grants of up to $250 are available to students who are based in the Denver-Boulder metro area. The intent of these grants is to help defray registration and incidental costs (such as gas, other transportation expenses, and meals) for a student to attend the conference in person. Due date Aug. 29 — eligibility and instructions at https://www.sciwrirockies.com
Apply for an Attendance Support Grant
NASW members and nonmembers alike are invited to apply for funding from the National Association of Science Writers and our colleagues at the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing. Get help defraying costs for travel, videoconferencing, and caregiving. Due date Aug. 10 for both NASW and CASW offers: https://www.nasw.org/article/nasw-science-writers-conference-attendance-travel-grants-available-SciWri23-ScienceWriters2023
Propose a SciWri23 Session
NASW members, as always, we need your help creating great NASW craft-focused workshop sessions, CASW “Science + Science Writing” sessions, and conference plenaries. Each year, the NASW Programs Committee works hard to develop a slate of professional development sessions that reflects the broad and varied interests of our membership. The chosen sessions directly reflect the depth, breadth, and quality of proposals received. Submit your session proposals by March 7: https://www.nasw.org/article/nasw-science-writers-journalism-submit-national-conference-session-proposal-sciencewriters2023-boulder-colorado
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Tag #SciWri23 on Twitter and LinkedIn. Bookmark www.sciencewriters2023.org for future updates.