ScienceWriters2023: Fresh Faces Virtual Networking Social
ScienceWriters2023: Fresh Faces Virtual Networking Social
Presented by the NASW Programs Committee
Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Start Time: 6 PM ET / 3 PM PT
Event Registration Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApfumrrDsuHtK4g5sEqHckYY_Au7_KOGuL#/registration
Event Recording: https://www.nasw.org/events/nasw-science-writers-virtual-events-video-recording-archive-2023-members-only (member login required)
New to our ScienceWriters annual meetings? Just registered for our ScienceWriters2023 national conference? Or maybe you’re deeply curious but unsure about registering? We’ve got the event for you! Join our NASW Conference Welcome Coordinators on Wednesday, Sept. 13, for a special NASW Virtual Networking Social — open to both NASW members and nonmembers! We’ll host some fun networking time through breakout groups, share ideas on how to make the best of your meeting experience, and answer any questions you might have about navigating the main event.
See you on Sept. 13!
Not an NASW member? Join the National Association of Science Writers in 2023: www.nasw.org/join
Held each year, the ScienceWriters conferences provide a gathering place for professionals and students working across the science news landscape. From journalists to institutional writers, from editors to producers, from seasoned science communicators to those exploring science and technology beats, from mentors to students, the events provide opportunities for skills development, new tools practice, professional networking, and topic debates for every attendee.
A co-production of the National Association of Science Writers (NASW), the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW), the University of Colorado Boulder, and the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, ScienceWriters2023 continues this tradition with craft and career workshops organized by NASW members, New Horizons in Science briefings curated by CASW, plus receptions and tours in Colorado hosted by CU Boulder and the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. Follow #SciWri23 to join the conversation. Registration ends Sept. 26, 2023.