Supporting your teams and taking care of yourself during COVID19

Are you struggling with the best ways to support your staff or freelance writers remotely? Are you feeling pressure from all directions? Join us for a special #SciWriLive Q&A session on Wednesday, May 20 at 2:00 pm ET with leadership and management expert Jill Geisler. Jill is the Bill Plante Chair in Leadership and Media Integrity at Loyola University Chicago. Jill will discuss topics including how to provide feedback when your own batteries are depleted and tips for leading with empathy. The session will be tailored to attendees' interests. Submit your questions by May 18.

Jill Geisler is the Bill Plante Chair in Leadership and Media Integrity at Loyola University Chicago and an internationally respected voice on management, leadership and ethics. She teaches and coaches in organizations worldwide - in media and beyond. A master teacher, she brings humor and humanity to her seminars and workshops. Jill is known for her ability to take research-based information, combine it with her own extensive management experience, and turn it into practical help for leaders and team members.

She is the author of the book “Work Happy: What Great Bosses Know,” producer of the podcast “Q&A: Leadership and Integrity in the Digital Age,” and creator of management columns for the Columbia Journalism Review and the National Press Club Journalism Institute. Previously, she headed the leadership and management programs of the Poynter Institute and was among the country’s first female TV news directors.

In 2018, she was named the Freedom Forum Institute Fellow in Women’s Leadership and leads its Power Shift Project, the Newseum’s groundbreaking program to eradicate harassment and discrimination in workplaces. She has trained representatives of over 200 North American media outlets and journalism schools to deliver the innovative “Workplace Integrity” curriculum she custom-designed for the media industry. Jill has been inducted to multiple media halls of fame, including the prestigious Silver Circle of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s in leadership studies. Her management mantra is: “Life’s too short to work with jerks,"

Special thanks to Jill for volunteering her time to work with NASW members.


Supporting your teams and taking care of yourself during COVID19: Advice for editors and managers with Jill Geisler, Bill Plante Chair in Leadership and Media Integrity, Loyola University Chicago

Wednesday, May 20 at 2:00 ET

Bring your questions. We will use the chat function to solicit questions from attendees and will break into groups toward the end for small-group discussion.

#SciWriLive sessions are not recorded to ensure an open conversation atmosphere.

Click here for information on how to join the Zoom meeting.

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