Virtual social for parents of infants and toddlers


Are you the parent of an infant or a toddler and trying to work from home or just cope during the pandemic? Looking to ask questions or share advice with other members and meet some friendly faces? Please join us this Thursday, May 7th at 2:00 pm Eastern on Zoom.

Presenting our new #SciWriCoffee Virtual Socials for NASW members. Just like the in-person meetups we enjoyed pre-pandemic, our NASW #SciWriCoffee sessions offer open opportunities for informal networking or peer support. We'll use Zoom breakout rooms to create small groups of 3-4 members to connect, support, or commiserate. So, pour a cup, cozy up to your computer, and come find community with your science writing friends and colleagues.

Click here for information on how to join the Zoom meeting

#SciWriCoffee sessions are not recorded to ensure an open conversation atmosphere.

Members, login to access the link.

Not a member? Join today to support science writing during this critical time and be part of a community of ~2,300 journalists, authors, editors, producers, public information officers, students and people who write and produce material intended to inform the public about science, health, engineering, and technology.

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American Heart Association travel stipends

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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