Honors and Awards Policy

Approved August 20, 2024

The National Association of Science Writers (NASW) confers honors and awards, including but not limited to elected leadership positions within NASW; selection for service on standing and ad hoc committees and task forces of NASW; awards made by NASW and its units in recognition of lifetime or specific writing and service contributions and achievements; and the honor of having an award that will be conferred on others named after you.

The Code of Ethics and Member Conduct applies to all candidates for honors and awards, including elected leadership positions. The acceptance of any honor or award or agreeing to be considered for any elected or appointed position in NASW constitutes an agreement to adhere to the Code of Ethics and Member Conduct.

Honors and awards are determined in NASW’s judgment and discretion. NASW’s Board of Directors retains the right to grant, defer or decline to grant an honor or award to any person. NASW also retains the right to revoke or suspend an Honor or award, including posthumously, already granted if in its judgment and discretion, NASW’s Board of Directors determines that it is in the best interests of the field to do so. Suspension means the Honor (and the ability of the recipient to exercise any associated privileges and rights) are held in abeyance until notice by NASW that the Honor is reinstated or revoked.

NASW reserves the right to disqualify any entry or Entrant or Awardee or revoke an Award, including any monetary element, if NASW determines, in its sole discretion, that an Entrant or Awardee has violated these Rules or taken actions that undermine, or are intended to undermine, the legitimate operation of the Awards; or that an Entrant or Awardee has engaged in, or is the subject of investigation of claims of, fraud, harassment, unlawful conduct, or any other act that is inconsistent with the Purpose of the Awards or with any NASW policy, including but not limited to NASW’s Code of Ethics and Member Conduct.

All candidates for honors and awards, including leadership positions, will be asked to verify whether they have been subject to a formally filed complaint, investigation, or finding of misconduct related to harassment or discrimination based on prohibited personal characteristics or a formally filed complaint, investigation or finding of misconduct related to journalistic ethics or any other conduct that would potentially violate the NASW Code of Ethics and Member Conduct. While an affirmative answer will not be automatically disqualifying, the member will be contacted for a confidential discussion of the details of the complaint, investigation or finding. NASW may contact the responsible party at their employer or institution to inquire about any complaints, investigations or findings involving them regarding harassing or discriminatory behavior or breaches of journalistic ethics.

EurekAlert! member survey

NAS Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

A rectangle graphic with a yellow background. The text reads Sharon Begley Science Reporting Award, Honoring a midcareer journalist. Deadline April 30. CASW.org. There is an image of Sharon Begley.

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics