This is an example entry

Enter a short summary here, e.g. "I contacted the Berkeley, CA health depart to schedule an interview regarding pandemic preparation and received a call back within 3 hours."

Please describe your experience in as much detail as possible:
Here's where you can enter detail about your experience. In this example, I might add something like "I wanted to get an interview with the local official in charge of pandemic planning for Berkeley for an article I was writing for a national magazine." Then talk about the process "They responded to my call within X hours, and I was able to schedule a phone interview with an appropriate expert for the next day." Tell us about experiences that were helpful and also not helpful. "I left three messages over the course of 2 days. I followed up with 3 emails 24 hours apart. No one from the office ever contacted me, and it has now been 8 days (or 8 months or whatever) since my first contact." or "I got an initial form-letter type reply to my inquiry via email, but there was no further follow-up." or "The person I contacted set up an interview, but the interview-ee did not answer 3 of my 5 questions, citing confidentiality concerns." "The interview was cancelled, and the only explanation I received was XYZ."
Type of institution from which you sought information:
Local agency
Type of request:
Interview with subject matter expert (including agency staff)
How did you make your initial request?:
What was the initial response?:
Tell us what the response was and when you received it, e.g. "A member of the press office called back with the day." or "After I left a voicemail, I received an email with a calendar invite to set up an interview."
What was the eventual outcome?:
Interview granted with no PIO present
Did you file a FOIA request?:

Information access

Please share your experiences trying to get access to scientists or information from institutions, including government agencies, corporations, nonprofits and universities. This database will serve as a way to share strategies and tips, learn from others' experiences, and connect with others around information access issues. We welcome reports on successful, semi-successful, and unsuccessful attempts to gain access to information or scientists. The more entries we get, the more useful the database becomes. We are particularly interested in experiences reporting on SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 pandemic and have made the database freely available during this time to collect and share such information.

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