Brooke Borel: The Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking

Cover: Fact-Checking Guide

Cover: Fact-Checking Guide

Brooke Borel
The University of Chicago Press, October 21, 2016,
$55 (hardcover), $17 (paperback), $9.99 (ebook)
ISBN: 9780226290768 (hardcover),
9780226290935 (paperback),
9780226291093 (e-book)

Borel reports:

I wish I could take credit for the idea behind The Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking, but I can’t. The book is the brainchild of Mary Laur, the editor at the University of Chicago Press who oversees writing reference guides. Chicago published my previous book, Infested: How the Bed Bug Infiltrated Our Bedrooms and Took Over the World (2015), and through a chance conversation, the publisher learned that I am a little obsessed with fact-checking.

Mary had been looking for an author for a fact-checking guide, but hadn’t found the right fit. My first journalism job was as a checker, and, at the time Mary heard about me, I’d just started teaching a local class at the Brooklyn Brainery on the art of the editorial fact-check, which regularly sells out to students who, for the most part, aren’t journalists despite the rather nerdy and esoteric topic! Mary invited me to submit a book proposal, and within a few months, I was working on the book.

Brooke Borel

Brooke Borel

Rather than making this Brooke Borel’s Guide to Fact-Checking, based only on my own experiences in the field, I wanted to approach the book journalistically. I put together a survey — not a scientific one, but helpful nonetheless — to get a sense of how journalists usually learn how to fact-check, whether they regularly work with checkers, and their overall opinions of the process. I got 234 responses. I also interviewed 90 people, including heads of research from publications such as the New Yorker and Vanity Fair, fact-checkers who are just starting out in the field, and checkers who have made a career working with radio programs, bestselling nonfiction authors, and more.

The result is a how-to guide mixed with journalism history, philosophy, and a lay of the current landscape in media and fact-checking. My only regret is when I hear great fact-checking mishaps that I couldn’t include, because I learned about them too late. One example is the 1976 New York Magazine feature “Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night,” which inspired the movie Saturday Night Fever. Twenty years after it was published, the author, Nik Cohn, admitted it was mostly a fabrication. What a gem!

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Advance Copy

The path from idea to book may take myriad routes. The Advance Copy column, started in 2000 by NASW volunteer book editor Lynne Lamberg, features NASW authors telling the stories behind their books. Authors are asked to report how they got their idea, honed it into a proposal, found an agent and a publisher, funded and conducted their research, and organized their writing process. They also are asked to share what they wish they’d known when they started or would do differently next time, and what advice they can offer aspiring authors. Lamberg edits the authors’ answers to produce the Advance Copy reports.

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