David Bullock: 2008-2018-A NewSpace Primer
David M. Bullock
Page Publishing, Inc., December 11, 2019, $13.99
ISBN-10: 1684562309; ISBN-13: 978-1684562305
David M. Bullock (NASW member), art by Ronaldo Florendo
Self-Published, July 24, 2019, $12.99
ISBN-10: 0578537273; ISBN-13: 978-0578537276
Bullock reports:
A veteran space writer, I’ve worked for the media relations department for the University of North Dakota and produced the first digital magazine on space exploration, Space Lifestyle Magazine.
I currently work as an analyst and sales representative for the online business intelligence company NewSpace Global. When NewSpace Global went into a brief period of hibernation two years ago, I decided to write my first book.
I interviewed 13 space professionals from all over the industry, including Maria-Vittoria Giugi Carminati, a space lawyer, and Sean Casey, director of Silicon Valley Space Center. The professionals provided information on business, engineering, and law, such as the movement from space being covered solely by international law to include local, state and federal law, and the rise of private business from a handful of companies to over 700 companies globally. I wrote the book in a magazine style format, using a conversational style to target a popular audience. I don’t include footnotes or a bibliography, but I do provide an index. I used an independent publisher, Page Publishing, Inc. as its editorial and creative services cost less than hiring freelancers to do similar work. Looking back, I wish the publishing process didn’t have to take over a year. Also, one of the things I learned is you really need to have a good editor, someone you can trust.Because the publishing process took time, I also decided to write a children’s book, What Is Up In Space?, covering topics such as the Moon, the planets, man-made satellites, and space junk. I hired an illustrator and finished this book in three months. Like my mentor and former employer, Shirley Graves, a children’s book author, I used IngramSpark to self-publish.
Writing both space books was a labor of love. I enjoy the topic I have worked with all my time as a professional and hope that I can increase public interest in this important topic.
Contact info:
- David Bullock, 701-330-5602, dmbullock@gmail.com
- Book: https://www.pagepublishing.com/books/?book=2008-2018-a-newspace-primer
- Children’s book: https://www.amazon.com/What-Up-Space-David-Bullock/dp/0578537273/
NASW members: will your book be published soon? Take advantage of this opportunity for shameless self-promotion. Submit your report for Advance Copy.
Tell your fellow NASW members how you came up with the idea for your book, developed a proposal, found an agent and publisher, funded and conducted research, and put the book together. Include what you wish you had known before you began working on your book, or had done differently.
See https://www.nasw.org/advance-copy-submission-guidelines.
Review Advance Copy archives at https://www.nasw.org/member-article/advance-copy.
Thinking of writing a book? If you are a NASW member, you may access a list of more than 150 books and online resources to help you craft your book proposal, find an agent and funding sources, negotiate your contract, learn about self-publishing, publicize and market your book, and more at https://www.nasw.org/article/write-book.
Send book info and questions about book publishing to Lynne Lamberg, NASW book editor, llamberg@nasw.org.
Advance Copy
The path from idea to book may take myriad routes. The Advance Copy column, started in 2000 by NASW volunteer book editor Lynne Lamberg, features NASW authors telling the stories behind their books. Authors are asked to report how they got their idea, honed it into a proposal, found an agent and a publisher, funded and conducted their research, and organized their writing process. They also are asked to share what they wish they’d known when they started or would do differently next time, and what advice they can offer aspiring authors. Lamberg edits the authors’ answers to produce the Advance Copy reports.
NASW members: Will your book be published soon? Visit www.nasw.org/advance-copy-submission-guidelines for information on submitting your report.
Publication of NASW author reports in Advance Copy does not constitute NASW's endorsement of any publication or the ideas, values, or material contained within or espoused by authors or their books. We hope this column stimulates productive discussions on important topics now and in the future as both science and societies progress. We welcome your discussion in the comments section below.