Sidney Perkowitz: Real Scientists Don’t Wear Ties

Cover: Real Scientists

Cover: Real Scientists

Sidney Perkowitz
Jenny Stanford Publishing, Nov. 30, 2019
Hardbound, $29.95; Kindle, $16.17
Hardbound: ISBN-10: 9814800686; ISBN-13: 978-9814800686
Kindle: ASIN: B07V9HNDJ4

Perkowitz reports:

Real Scientists Don’t Wear Ties came about after Pan Stanford Publishing in Singapore approached me about doing a book. The company has a good roster of science books including Nobel Laureate authors. It wanted to expand its popular science list under a new imprint, Jenny Stanford Publishing. This publisher operates mostly on a royalties-only basis, however. I did not want to write a book without an advance. I proposed instead to edit an anthology of my published articles in return for a modest advance plus royalties and funds to cover reproduction rights. They agreed and we quickly negotiated a contract.

Sidney Perkowitz

Sidney Perkowitz

The big issue in designing the book was to put varied articles from my writing history into a coherent structure. The headings I use on my website, “Science,” “Technology,” and “Culture,” became main themes. I selected 50 articles out of 160 published items, focusing on the quality of the writing and the science, diversity of topics, and a balance between serious and light writing. These went, in clumps of three to seven related pieces, into sub-headings under the three themes. The final creative effort was to write about myself as scientist and writer and to write brief introductory notes for each theme and article.

I also had to obtain reproduction rights from the publications where my articles had originally appeared. As a pleasant surprise, every publication gave me the rights for free in return for a credit line, leaving enough in my budget to pay for some images that I especially wanted. Another necessity was extra-careful proofing of the articles from different sources to provide uniform usage across the book.

As I had hoped, all this took much less effort than writing a whole book. I made up for the small advance by continuing my regular freelance writing while easily meeting the book’s deadline. One unexpected benefit was that in reviewing my own work, I became aware of my long-term evolution in writing style and my turning from pure science toward science in society. And I’m happy to have a book that embodies a big chunk of my career.

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NASW members: will your book be published soon? Take advantage of this opportunity for shameless self-promotion. Submit your report for Advance Copy.

Tell your fellow NASW members how you came up with the idea for your book, developed a proposal, found an agent and publisher, funded and conducted research, and put the book together. Include what you wish you had known before you began working on your book, or had done differently.


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Thinking of writing a book? If you are a NASW member, you may access a list of more than 200 books and online resources to help you craft your book proposal, find an agent and funding sources, negotiate your contract, learn about self-publishing, publicize and market your book, and more at

Send book info and questions about book publishing to Lynne Lamberg, NASW book editor,

Advance Copy

The path from idea to book may take myriad routes. The Advance Copy column, started in 2000 by NASW volunteer book editor Lynne Lamberg, features NASW authors telling the stories behind their books. Authors are asked to report how they got their idea, honed it into a proposal, found an agent and a publisher, funded and conducted their research, and organized their writing process. They also are asked to share what they wish they’d known when they started or would do differently next time, and what advice they can offer aspiring authors. Lamberg edits the authors’ answers to produce the Advance Copy reports.

NASW members: Will your book be published soon? Visit for information on submitting your report.

Publication of NASW author reports in Advance Copy does not constitute NASW's endorsement of any publication or the ideas, values, or material contained within or espoused by authors or their books. We hope this column stimulates productive discussions on important topics now and in the future as both science and societies progress. We welcome your discussion in the comments section below.

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