NASW awards second round of career grants

NASW is pleased to announce recipients of the second round of its Career Development Grants, which support education, training or other activities intended to help established science writers continue or advance their careers in today's rapidly changing media environment.

The grants offer reimbursement of up to $2,500 for the proposed activities and are supported by funds that NASW receives as part of the Authors Coalition of America, which distributes royalties on US copyrights collected overseas.

The 36 applicants in this round requested a total of $68,500, once again far exceeding the $25,000 available. Faced with many more worthy proposals than could be funded, the committee chose on the basis of how effectively projects would meet the specific challenges facing the applicants and how well they fit the applicant's background, experience, abilities and goals. The quality of proposals' analysis and presentation as well as the proposed projects' appropriateness to the goals of the Career Grant program also weighed heavily. Some winning proposals initially contained several elements, and in certain cases NASW chose to fund only the elements it deemed most appropriate or potentially effective.

Given the high level of continuing interest in the Career Development Grants, NASW will offer a third round in the late spring. Please watch for the program announcement with dates and application instructions.

Congratulations to:

Christie Aschwanden - Freelance Writer Organizing a seminar for writers on coping with the changing media environment $2,200.

Erika Beras - Behavioral Health Reporter, WDUQ 90.5FM Radio equipment to facilitate freelance work $2,500

Nancy Marie Brown - Freelance Writer Chatauqua Conference on children's writing $1,300

Christine Buckley - Media Relations Associate, University of Connecticut Multimedia training $2,088.41

Jennie Dusheck - Freelance Writer Travel to pursue development of a website on evolution $780

Fred Gebhart - Freelance Writer Courses in regulatory affairs $2,500

Mary King Hoff Online digital media courses $1,500

Karen Hoffman - Freelance Writer Online course in how to pitch magazine articles $200

Roxanne Khamsi - Senior News Editor, Nature Medicine Multimedia equipment $1,119

David M. Lawrence - Freelance Writer Photography and audio equipment $2,495.78

David Levine - Freelance Writer Grant writing workshop $570

Laura V. Lombardi - Science Writer, European Space Agency Online astronomy courses $328.60

Betsy Mason - Science Editor, Digital photography courses $1,257

Fenella Saunders - Senior Editor, American Scientist Knight Digital Media Center multimedia bootcamp $2,490

Laurie J. Schmidt - Freelance Writer Attending IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (IGARSS) symposium $1,600

Cheryl Platzman Weinstock - Freelance Writer "The Backpack Journalist" training at Poynter Institute $2,250

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